Nu e nevoie să știți să zburați ca să vă privim ca pe un supererou.

Alăturați-vă Ataway și ajutați liderii mondiali să-și îmbunătățească strategiile, tehnologia și operațiunile.

în proiecte minunate.

Alături de
oameni talentați.

Pentru ca distracția să nu se termine.
Totul este despre a ne asigura că iubim ceea ce facem. În sinea noastră, noi rezolvăm problemele și punem multă pasiune în asta. Entuziasmul nostru constă în a oferi cea mai bună soluție clienților noștri. Și știți ceva? Cu fiecare dată când reușim lucrul acesta, devenim din ce în ce mai buni!

Vă vom călăuzi.
Sunt atât de multe lucruri de învățat, de descoperit. În calitate de consultanți, să instruiți va deveni meseria dvs. Noi tehnologii, noi clienți, noi orașe. Vă vom învăța cum să vă instruiți în permanență și să vă simțiți bine oriunde ați merge. E o lume minunată!

Imaginați-vă ce urmează.
Toți ne-am întrebat, la un moment dat: “De ce a fost conceput așa? Se putea face mult mai bine”. Ei bine, acum e rândul dvs. Să fiți un inovator, să ajutați companiile de talie mondială să utilizeze tehnologia de astăzi pentru a deveni o variantă mai bună a lor.

Nu depășiți termene limită, depășiți-vă propriile limite.

Uneori lucrăm împreună, câteodată lucrăm singuri, iar alteori lucrăm pe fusuri orare diferite. Menținem acea magie vie, 24/7.

Mama dvs. ar fi așa de mândră.

"I was looking to find a company where I could learn and grow. I joined Ataway, and I am working on the latest technology from Oracle- Cloud Procurement! I am enjoying working with the Oracle Cloud products."

SCM & CRM Consultant at Ataway Argentina


SCM & CRM Consultant at Ataway Argentina

"I was looking to find a company where I could learn and grow. I joined Ataway, and I am working on the latest technology from Oracle- Cloud Procurement! I am enjoying working with the Oracle Cloud products."

"Within the time of working here, I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of different people."

Global Finance Associate at Ataway China


Global Finance Associate at Ataway China

"Within the time of working here, I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of different people."

"Ataway is a great company that is transparent, collaborative and proactive, and provides excellent opportunities for development and growth. I'm appreciative to have so many opportunities to develop myself in many aspects and to lead the team to support business operations in order to achieve our goals. It is really tough, but a worthy and priceless experience."

Senior Operations Manager at Ataway China


Senior Operations Manager at Ataway China

"Ataway is a great company that is transparent, collaborative and proactive, and provides excellent opportunities for development and growth. I'm appreciative to have so many opportunities to develop myself in many aspects and to lead the team to support business operations in order to achieve our goals. It is really tough, but a worthy and priceless experience."

"Ataway is an amazing place to work. The peer group is excellent and the opportunity to learn is really great. I love working at Ataway and would strongly recommend Ataway for people who have big goals in their professional life."

PeopleSoft Financial Consultant at Ataway Argentina


PeopleSoft Financial Consultant at Ataway Argentina

"Ataway is an amazing place to work. The peer group is excellent and the opportunity to learn is really great. I love working at Ataway and would strongly recommend Ataway for people who have big goals in their professional life."

"The Ataway team is truly a global network of experts. Sharing the knowledge and expertise between our international teams helps me to grow and bring out a different side of me."

Business Analyst at Ataway Japan


Business Analyst at Ataway Japan

"The Ataway team is truly a global network of experts. Sharing the knowledge and expertise between our international teams helps me to grow and bring out a different side of me."

"I think more than a workplace, Ataway is a family environment where you grow up professionally and as a person."

Technical Leader at Ataway Mexico


Technical Leader at Ataway Mexico

"I think more than a workplace, Ataway is a family environment where you grow up professionally and as a person."